Mad as a March Hare
Free range chicken, bacon, eggs, beef and pork. Healthy oils on special at Red Barn this week.
Valentine’s Day
Red Barn Free range chicken in George, South Africa, wishes you a happy Valentine’s day!
Chickens don’t like the heat
Chickens really don’t like the heat. They don’t sweat so its hard for them to keep cool. Free range chickens take regular dust baths in the heat. Heatwaves cause people and chickens to become increasingly bad-tempered.
Be Happy chickens
Happy chickens are stress free. Free range chickens are allowed to roam free and behave naturally as chickens should. This is the reason free range meat and eggs taste better.
Big blue cock – London
Big blue cock erected on fourth plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square London mayor Boris Johnson unveils Katharina Fritsch’s Hahn/Cock, the latest artwork to fill square’s empty plinth There is simply no other way of putting it, and nor would earthy British wit have it any other way. A giant bright-blue cock – its feathers proudly upstanding, its coxcomb as stiff …
Easy, FUN ways to cook eggs
The most important factors to consider when selecting your eggs is who cared for the chickens that laid them and how those chickens are raised. This is why knowing your food suppliers is so important.